4 min readApr 8, 2019


Updated! currently is offline. But the similar scam websites always appear on the internet. This article will be useful for you just follow the logic and don’t let yourself get caught by any other SCAMs!

Totally SCAM! What is “Equicex” crypto-prepaid physical Visa card. Yep, we’ve checked!

Any scam that you will find in web or you will meet it face to face — could be assessed in terms of the beauty of the game which each scam project can provide you! Equicex have virtual/physical/black/blue/anonymous or any other miracle Visa card which you want, no problem — they will bring it to you within a few shipping weeks(nope, they not, of course). Later you can think on clear mind how is this shitty shit happened? Well, we will write a little investigation for you guys. Check it out, right now, for free! Hehehe:))

First time you when you visiting Equicex website and tap on “Black Card” page — you can be in shock because of possibilities which is so comfortable with anonymous physical black (pretty looking) Visa card and you starting to read this beautiful advantages with your future prepaid with BTC card — you could even check a video (Yes, they are so cool scammers-hackers! They did a video!) and then you read they official Twitter account (also read comments below their ‘listing altcoins’ posts — usually you can find comment like ‘hey, where is my card, wtf?!’) After all of this nice pics, videos and your high…

